CalendarStandings 06-09-2025 15:00MatchDay 8 Zambia Morocco Season Analytics Zambia Positions Morocco SEASON TOTALZMB HOME101103Last matches 11-06-2024 Tanzania Array0 - 1 07-06-2024 Morocco Array2 - 1 21-11-2023 Niger Array2 - 1 17-11-2023 Congo Array4 - 2 11-06-2024 Tanzania Array0 - 1 17-11-2023 Congo Array4 - 2 SEASON TOTALMAR AWAY300400Last matches 1 - 2 ArrayNiger 21-03-2025 0 - 6 ArrayCongo 11-06-2024 2 - 1 ArrayZambia 07-06-2024 0 - 2 ArrayTanzania 21-11-2023 1 - 2 ArrayNiger 21-03-2025 0 - 6 ArrayCongo 11-06-2024 0 - 2 ArrayTanzania 21-11-2023Averages AnalyticsSEASON TOTALZMB HOME / MAR AWAY21.554.8Possession44.84259.5Possession39.3Goals Scored1.53Goals Conceded1.80.5TOTAL3.33.5Goals Scored23.3Goals Conceded1.50.3TOTAL3.53.6Head to Head Analytics TOTALZMB HOME / MAR AWAYZambiaWins 00 DrawsMoroccoWins 2ZambiaWins 00 DrawsMoroccoWins 1FIFA World Cup Qualifiers CAF 2026 07-06-2024 Morocco2 - 1 ZambiaAfrica Cup of Nations 2023-24 24-01-2024 Zambia0 - 1 MoroccoFIFA World Cup Qualifiers CAF 2026 24-01-2024 Zambia0 - 1 Morocco