CalendarStandings 10-06-2025 22:00Week 5 Puerto Rico Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Season Analytics Puerto Rico Positions Saint Vincent and the Grenadines SEASON TOTALPRI HOME100110Last matches 12-06-2024 Anguilla Array8 - 0 07-06-2024 El Salvador Array0 - 0 12-06-2024 Anguilla Array8 - 0 SEASON TOTALVCT AWAY001002Last matches 1 - 3 ArrayEl Salvador 09-06-2024 4 - 1 ArraySuriname 05-06-2024 4 - 1 ArraySuriname 05-06-2024Averages AnalyticsSEASON TOTALPRI HOME / VCT AWAYGoals Scored41Goals Conceded03.5TOTAL44.5Goals Scored81Goals Conceded04TOTAL85