CalendarStandings 06-06-2025 22:00Week 4 Antigua and Barbuda Cuba Season Analytics Antigua and Barbuda Positions Cuba SEASON TOTALATG HOME010011Last matches 08-06-2024 Cayman Islands Array1 - 0 05-06-2024 Bermuda Array1 - 1 05-06-2024 Bermuda Array1 - 1 SEASON TOTALCUB AWAY001101Last matches 3 - 0 ArrayCayman Islands 11-06-2024 3 - 1 ArrayHonduras 07-06-2024 3 - 1 ArrayHonduras 07-06-2024Averages AnalyticsSEASON TOTALATG HOME / CUB AWAYGoals Scored0.52Goals Conceded11.5TOTAL1.53.5Goals Scored11Goals Conceded13TOTAL24